Advanced Password Generator

With the Advanced Password Generator, you can generate a random password and define exactly which characters it contains. In addition, you can save these settings as a template and use them for any other password which you later create with this password generator.

You can use the Advanced Password Generator when you add or modify a password entry. In the dialog window for adding or modifying an entry, click on the small gear wheel symbol (usually on the right-hand side), labelled Generate. A dialog window will open, in which you then switch to the tab Advanced.


First of all, select a Template from the list:

  • Custom password settings : Allows you to create your own password template. You can save it under a name of your choice by clicking the Save button to the right. The next time you create a password, this template will also be shown in the drop-down list for templates. To delete a template you no longer need, select this template on the list and click the Delete button on the right-hand side.
  • Default settings for new passwords : Applies the software's default template for generating passwords.
  • Deduce settings from the current password : If you are currently modifying (and not adding) an existing password, the program will automatically choose this option which adopts the existing entry's settings for the new password.

Password settings

Here, you can define the characters the password should consist of:

  • Use only following characters: Enter some characters here, from which your password should be created. For instance, if you enter "abcdef" into this field, the generated password will contain only these six characters.
  • Use the following character types with relative frequencies : Check all the characters types which the password should contain, for example Lowercase, Numbers and Special characters. Using the slider next to each type, you can set a percentage which indicates how frequently the selected character type will be used for the password. Via Custom , you can enter some characters like umlauts, which you would also like to be part of your password.

NOTE: Because UTF-8 is too extensive (64.000 characters), only the first 256 ASCII characters are supported.

  • Use at least one character of each type selected above: Select this option to ensure that at least one character from every type is used for the password. For example: If you select uppercase letters, numbers and special characters as types and check this option, the created password will contain at least one uppercase letter, one number and one special character, even if it is only five characters long.
  • Exclude characters: You can activate this option and define specific characters to be excluded by the password generator when creating new passwords. Please enter all characters you would like to exclude. By default, you can see some pre-selected charactes here which are quite similar and may therefore be mixed up (for example the 0=zero and O=the character O). You can add or remove as many characters as you like.
  • Exclude consecutive identical characters: Select this option to avoid that the same character is used twice in a row in the password, for example ZZ.
  • Exclude strings from dictionaries: Select this option to avoid using character strings that are included in dictionaries. Such sequences of characters or words can be remembered easily, but also belong to the most crackable passwords.
  • Password length: Define the number of characters the password will consist of. You can select a number between five and 256.


In this section, the password will be created and the quality assessed.

  • Click the Generate button to create a password with the current settings.
  • With Tries to reach maximum password quality , you can define how many passwords the password generator will try to get the best possible result with the settings given. A number between 300 and 500 is normally enough to get a satisfactorily secure password.
  • Password: Here, the password generated by the password generator will be shown.
  • Copy (button to the right): Allows you to copy the password to the clipboard, so that you can insert it in a different location.
  • Show/Hide (second button to the right): Allows you to see the password characters in clear text or in concealed form with dots, respectively.
  • The Password quality is shown graphically on the one hand, but on the other hand there is also an approximate value showing you how long a hacker would need to crack your password. Thus, you will be able to better compare passwords in terms of their security.

Once you have created a password, click on OK (alternatively, click on Cancel to leave without saving). The newly generated password will then automatically be added to the Password field of your new or edited password entry.