USB Installation
You can, optionally, execute Password Depot via USB stick. This can be helpful if you want or need to keep your confidential documents, passwords, and other confidential information - which you manage via Password Depot - always at hand. If you would like to use Password Depot on such a removable storage device, then you will need to install it via the USB Installation function - not via the standard installation wizard!
The USB Installation Wizard (menu Tools → USB Installation) helps you to install Password Depot on removable storage devices, e.g. USB flash drives. Additionally, it lets you update both the program and your files stored on these devices.
Removable drive: Select the drive of your storage device.
Copy/update databases: Having selected a drive, in this window, you will see all files stored on the selected device. Check those files that you would like to copy or update.
Update Password Depot configuration file on the target media: If you check this option, your settings for the program will be transferred to the device as well.
Update Autorun.inf to launch Password Depot automatically: If checked, the file autorun.inf will be installed on the device, as well. This will automatically launch Password Depot as soon as you use the device.
Next: Click on this button to run the installation or to upgrade automatically.
NOTE: Certain functions that require a local installation (e.g. browser add-ons) cannot be used with the USB installation.
NOTE: When upgrading Password Depot, please first update the program on your local system!
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