Partial Password Builder

Password Depot offers you a Partial Password Builder . To open it, select a password entry from your list and right-click on it, selecting Partial Password. Alternatively, click on EntryPartial Password. Or, if activated, click on Partial Password on the top bar.

The partial password method is an authentication method for passwords, with the purpose of increasing protection against password theft. The method in question asks the user to insert certain characters of his passwords only, instead of entering all of them completely. As only a part of the password is always shown, this renders it more difficult to find out/intercept the password through common hacker techniques such as keylogging.

If you select a password entry and then open the Partial Password Builder, you will see four lines in the window:

  • Position: The Builder assigns a number to each character of your password; the first character has the number 1.
  • Password: Here, you will see your password. If the function Hide Password (below) is checked, the password's characters are represented by dots. Otherwise, you will see the password's characters themselves.
  • Select: In this line, you can select certain characters of your password, by clicking onto the desired boxes and thereby placing a check mark within them.
  • Partial Password: In this line, the partial password created by the Builder will be shown, according to the characters you had previously selected in the line above.
  • Hide Password: If this function is checked, the password's characters are represented by dots. Otherwise, you will see the password's characters themselves.
  • Always on Top: If checked, the window of the Partial Password Builder will be always at the front and visible.
  • Copy to Clipboard: Copies the generated partial password to the clipboard.
  • Close: Exits the Partial Password Builder and returns to the main window.