Folder Properties

This dialog box allows you to view and edit the properties of a selected folder of password entries.

You can call this window up by right clicking on a folder and then selecting Properties in the window that opens.

Tab General

In the window's upper third, you have following options:

  • Name: Allows you to modify the folder's name, simply by typing into the field.
  • Change Icon: Click this button to change the icon that represents the folder in the navigation area. There opens the window Select Image. Here you can either choose from a large number of integrated symbols (tab Standard) or select your own icon (tab Custom).
  • Reset Icon: Sets the icon back to its initial state.

In the middle of the window are fields providing additional information about the selected folder:

  • Type.
  • Location: Indicates the path to this folder.

    NOTE: The field Location is empty if the selected folder is the root directory (i.e. it contains all other folders), as it does not have a path in this case. However, if the selected folder represents a subfolder (i.e. it is within one or several other folders), then the field shows the corresponding path, along the pattern "Root\Subfolder1\Subfolder2\etc.".

  • Contains: Informs about the folders and passwords contained in the folder, as well as about the number of passwords that have expired.

At the window's lower end are two further fields:

  • Category : If you like, you can assign a category to the folder. Either you type in a description yourself, or you choose one of the names from the drop-down list.
  • Comments : Provides space for any text you might like to add, e.g. a description of the folder.

Tab Security

The Security tab allows you to set up an additional layer of protection for your folders by defining a second password. This feature enhances the security of your sensitive information by ensuring that only authorized users can access and view the folder's contents.

To set up a second password, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the folder you want to protect with a second password.
  2. Click on the Security tab in the folder's properties or settings.
  3. In the Security tab, you will find an option to define a second password. Check the box to enable this feature.
  4. Enter a strong and unique password that will be used as the second password. Make sure to use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters for increased security. It's also a good idea to avoid using easily guessable information, such as your name or birthdate.
  5. Confirm the second password by entering it again in the designated field.
  6. Save your changes by clicking the 'OK' button.

Once you have set up a second password for a folder, its contents will only be displayed if the correct second password is entered.